Is there any UnrealEditor-D3D12RHI.dll file for 5.3.2 Unreal engine. I have windows 10 pro and my Graphics is AORUS GTX 1080 Ti 11G
I am unable to render Path trace or ray trace. can you please give me solution. In your previous post I saw UnrealEditor-D3D12RHI.dll file and edit and replace script C++ code as you mentioned make two register key .
int32 GAllowEmulatedRayTracing = 1;
UE_LOG(LogD3D12RHI, Log, TEXT(“Ray tracing emulation is now enabled. Use at own risk. D3D12 tier 1.1 check ignored. Tra-La-La!”));
GRHISupportsRayTracing = RHISupportsRayTracing(GMaxRHIShaderPlatform);
GRHISupportsRayTracingShaders = GRHISupportsRayTracing && RHISupportsRayTracingShaders(GMaxRHIShaderPlatform);
But still Path trace not coming in viewport mode. Please help. Thank you.