Need help!

Hi, i would brag if I said that i know how to work with UE 4 haha! I am just wondering if u guys with some experience have any tips on tutorials on how to get started, like really good tutorials if u know what i mean:) thx…

Well, there is thread in this forum for getting started with content :slight_smile:

A great place to start is

I learned a lot from:
Twin Stick Shooter (23 videos)
Great to get you started with all the basics, from level editing, through blueprints to particles “engine”
Powerups with C++ (21 videos)
Similar to the Twin Stick Shooter, but it shows how to get the game working from the C++ side. If you never wrote a line of code in your life it might be a bit heavy, and you should consider a C++ tutorial first

The two video series should get you on track in UE4, and from there you should be able to see what knowledge you lack, and continue from there :slight_smile:

I hope this helped.

I learned (and still am) from pulling apart the free projects on the marketplace and learning tab of the launcher! There is a ton of awesome stuff there.