i’m a bit angry about the multiplayer. I can’t find information about getting data about the clients and the server at all. I also wrote a question about this weeks ago and no one answered, not here and not on the forum.
This is so frustrating!
I have a game where the inventory and the Map must be saved. I can’t let the player save his own inventory for the server, because i have nothing to link the server with the client. He could save an inventory and its not linked to any server so rejoining the server and loading the players inventory wouldnt work.
And to save an inventory serverside i would need an account and a database, but since there is no documentation or anything about something like this, i can’t do this at all.
I asked about function that get network ids, ipaddresses or functions that recognize if a player disconnects or connecets. Nothing! Absolutly nothing was found for this.
How do you think should i do this?
Only opening and joinen servers over the console isnt enough for multiplayer games.
What the hell do i need now to get a multiplayer running?
My clients need to know the servers or at least the server need to save the clients.
I know that i could make a Database and save accounts and inventories there, but there is no help here for this at all.
My project is fronzen because of this!
If someone could help me here i would be so ■■■■ happy.
Would i be able to link my steam account to this somehow or what can i use? This is way beyond the usage of UE4 and i dont know where i should begin. ):
Have you read through the Shooter Game example? I hear there’s a lot of C++ multiplayer stuff in there, although I haven’t looked myself.
If you need somewhere to start with an inventory system, I suggest checking out Tom Looman’s tutorial on the matter - it’s not persistent, but it’s a great place to start.
My inventory system is fully working. That is not the problem.
I need to SAVE this inventory of all clients and load it back if they reconnect.
But i have no way to identify a player when he joins or leaves.
I could do this with a database, but i can’t finde threads or tutorials about setting up a valid connection from UE4 to database.
A direct connection is bad and doing it through php break my brain even more.
How do others of you save client related data and identify the user?
If i could use steamworks, i could use the steamname, but i read that my game has to be greenlight before i am able to use steamworks -.-
I guess for the time that no one can explain how to do this, i will let the players play their local profiles on every server. So if the logout on the singleplayer server, they will just spawn on the same spot on the multiplayer server…
Thats not what i want, but i cant get anything else running without help.
I would also love to know how to do this. I have gotten my game working in signal player but need to save the status of each client on a server. This is a pretty common thing that games do now days. there should be a way to do it with Blueprints.
There are tons of functions on the GameMode class and by now some of them are also exposed to the BP system.
PostLogin for example. If you ever walk into such a question, have a look at the GameMode API site or check the ShooterGame. If this is too much for you, take a step back (like i did several months ago) and do a singleplayer game first.