Need help with texture size across all surfaces


I am new to unreal engine. I am trying to

get starter content materials to work across multiple surfaces. But came across a common problem that texture size differs depending on the surface size as in the picture.

Matial has macro and micro textures that usess R G channels. WorldAlinedTexture works but I coulnd’t find a way to use R G channels with WorldAlignedTexture.

Grass material from starter content

Need help with texture staying same over all surfaces.

You have to use world aligned, or scale the UV.

You can make the world aligned work in any way you like, but you’ll need to take all the code out of the node and bring it into your main graph to edit it.

There is also the texture variation node, which I seem to recall works with the world aligned nodes?

" you’ll need to take all the code out of the node"

about that part I don’t have enough experience. Can you help with an example please?

If you double click the world aligned node, you get to see what the code actually is. Technically, you can just copy and paste it into your material, and do anything you want with it.

I wouldn’t advise it though, if you’re new to it.

Much easier to just use UVs.

I’m assuming this is something to do with a landscape. Are you putting it on meshes? How has this issue arisen?

Yes it is on the meshes with different uv layout sizes. So when I apply the matereal it scales differently. The issue happened when I applied the grass matereal from the started content to 2 different meshes I imported from a datasmith file. It appear that 2 different meshes has different uv sizes. Even thou if they had same size uv’s mesh sizes are different so still texture size becomes a problem. I just wanted to use 1 instanse of the material instead of creating a new one for each surface and try to match them.

“I wouldn’t advise it though, if you’re new to it.”

Yes it is abit too complicated for me at this level.

Here how it looks with out matereal is applied.

Something you might ask yourself is, do I need these different meshes?

Can you just use a landscape, or duplicates of the same mesh?

Hello Aphlox!

I think this is what you are looking for.

Let me know if it help you.

Well model is a parking lot of a building and grass is in between the the sidewalks. I think i need those meshes to fill in between the sidewalks.

Also i figured that i am going to have this issue for other meshes aswell like the face of a building. So solving this will teach me how to deal with others aswell

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It didn’t solve my problem. It uses texture objects which does not allow to use RGB channels.
There micro and macro variations that uses RED channels.


I basically need to work with textures world aligned with using red and green channels. which I can’t using texture object (woldalingedtexture accepts only texture object instead of texture samples with RGBA channels)

Thanks for your reply thou.