Need help with setting "Manager" and calling its methods in EventGraph in Blueprint

Hi everyone. I just started learning UE and I think I am either doing it wrong or I misunderstand some concepts.
I have small prototype here, mix of cardboard game and rpg. We have player and we have “cards” that are dwawn from “card pile” and each card have different effects and so on. Some of cards are “Gear” and they need to go into player inventory.

So how I see it in my head now:

  • I have player, when player triggers event via overlapping trigger cube (for example) game will then come into EventGraph that is tied to this Trigger.
  • In Graph what I want is to get an access to “global Card manager”, ask this manager to “Draw” me some cards and then use ref to those cards and pass them into player Inventory component.

I created CPP class for inventory component; created BP and added to player controller
I created CPP game mode class and created BP for it

And here is where I am getting stuck.
I created “CardManager” class which is inherited from AActor. Created BP for it.
I also wanted to add property to my gamemode that I could link my BP to new field but it doesnt allow me. What I managed to do is to change property to be TSubclassOf:

UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadWrite, EditAnywhere, Category=Classes, BlueprintGetter=GetCardManager, BlueprintSetter=SetCardManager, meta=(AllowPrivateAccess))
	TSubclassOf<ACardManager> CardManager{nullptr};

Now I can assign my BP into GameMode variable but in EvenGraph I don’t have access to instance of my CardManager.

Could you please say me how should I implement this thing. If approach I chosen is not what UE is expeting of me, how should I do it instead?
