Need Help with Multiplayer Computer Screen(3D Widget) Input Issue

Hey there,

I’m currently working on an in-game computer screen for player interaction. The setup works fine for one player, but when I add additional clients, the computers does not take input from other players.

I’ve attached blueprint images and videos to illustrate the problem:

Client one using the widget

Client two using the widget

Showing the BP where the player ID is set. Gets player ID from what ever player is using the screen.

Showing the BP where it checks to make sure the player ID is valid.

Showing the BP where the widget is now usable (I think) and then showing the cursor

This is the widget itself used in the BP. I did have to enable Receive hardware input. After enabling this it worked for client one and also works from far away if mouse is enabled(Not really an issue I could just enable the mouse when in view).

Any insights on how to resolve this input issue with multiple clients would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You!

I have the same problem for me. were you able to solve the problem?

Initializing interaction is the issue. There needs to be a base interaction between Client (player) and the actor. This interaction establishes communication between the actor and the pawn/controller.

Pawn/Controller interaction mechanism → Can I interact? → establish connection (Interface, or Actor obj reference)… Pawn sits, Widget is enabled (mouse interaction).

Can you please be more detailed and understandable?

Pawn/Controller interaction mechanism ==
Are you using a line trace, OR collision overlap?

Can I interact? → establish connection (Interface, or Actor obj reference) ==
From the Hit/Overlap are you getting a reference and casting or using blueprint interface?

I’m using Sphere Trace and I’m calling the interface for the hit actor. Is there something I’m doing wrong?

Everything works for Client 1. but Client 2 can’t do anything with the widget. When I use multicast, everything works again for Client 1 and even Client 2 can see all the changes but still cannot interact with it.

And My Computer BP here: