How can I get the Beam to draw in the correct direction?
Actor BP:
If i understand the situation, give the Target and Source modules names then when spawning your beam set a particle parameter with the name you gave source and another for target and set their locations.
If you need to smooth it out then you will need to also set the particle tangents to point down the tangency of your spline.
I got how to draw a beam using a spline and get hit results under cursor but now I got another problem. The beam always rotating when the camera moves. I’m thinking it rotating towards the camera. How can I stop this?
I don’t know of a way to prevent Beams from facing the camera. I know there are options in the Required module and the Lock Axis module to set different alignments but I do not think they work with beams.
You may be able to get the desired effect with a Ribbon Type emitter, but not 100% on that.