Need help with a Indirect Lighting Issue

Hi guys,

I am currently doing a small personal architecture project in Unreal. I have a small scene with one room and some furniture in it. I am quite happy with almost everything in my lighting, but there is on problem that I can´t seem to figure out.
On some of the walls it looks like there are these weird radial lines, it is almost like the lightmap doesnt have enough quality or something. See the Image below.

I have played around with the settings and I can get the shadows and everything to look pretty good, but theres weird lines always stay.
The light setup is simple:
There is no directional light in the room, the light comes from a skylight.

Also the Lightmass settings are:
Static Lighting Level Scale is 0.1
Indirect Lighting Quality is 4
Indirect Lighting Smoothness is 2

The geometry of the wall has a LightMapRes of 512, I have tryed bumping it um to 2048, it did not make a difference.

So that is the problem, I hope somebody can help me. And what I also don´t understand is, why only 2 of the walls have this problem. I have other walls in close proximity, that have the same texture and LightMapRes and do not have those lines.

Thanks for the help.
Have a nice one!


Do you have lightmap compression turned on?
It’s not a lightmap resolution issue for sure!
…I think the smoothness is also very high! You will lose most of the accurate lighting information…

Thanks for your reply. Lightmap Compression is turned off. I tried several times playing with many settings, but I can´t seem to figure it out. And it is actually a small problem, it is not super visible, but in some of the renders I want to make you can see it.

How “heavy” is your post processing? Any bigger/stronger changes under Color Grading?

Post processing ist not too heavy, I really only have a little bit of contrast. Turning it off doesn´t make it better.