Need help on Multiplayer Pixel Streaming by matchmaker system.

I have setted Pixel streaming in AWS, now it is running with public ip. Many people are abled to login but one person’s control is streamed to everyone & frames too.

So i configured matchmaker too with ports & address, by the way ciruss.js connected to match maker.

WHAT IS “Frontend server not running, unable to setup game session” ? Why sessions are not allocated to users

pixelstreaming aws Multiplayer & Networking Multiplayer #matchmaker

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were u able to figure out how to setup multiplayer in pixel streaming

Hi guys!

Unfortunately, Pixel Streaming with a single instance isn’t designed to work with proper multiplayer, this is due to restrictions on how the input is handled.
To elaborate, it’s possible to have users connected and with their own camera, but input won’t allow you to uniquely control your own character.

However, if you were wanting multiplayer whilst utilizing Pixel Streaming, the best means would be to run a basic multiplayer dedicated server and stream the client games to each player accordingly. That way each player gets their own instance/game, but are connected together via the dedicated server.

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