I made eyelashes using MetaHuman’s ‘Groom’. But my eyelashes pass through the glass of the gas mask and look weird in the viewport. also Rendered image… plz!! i need help!!
That’s a transparency sorting problem, the groom is drawing in front of the glass. You’ll need to fiddle with either/both the glass material and the groom settings to make sure the glass draws in front of everything else, and the groom in front of the face but behind the glass. That’ll be in your materials.
Thank you so much for your answer. The Blend mode of Groom material is ‘mask’ instead of ‘Translucent’, so adjusting the ‘TranslucencySortPriority’ value will not solve it. Is there any way to render the ‘mask’ after ‘Translucent’?
I’d probably focus more on dealing with the glass rather than the hair. If you can make the glass be the last thing in the scene that’s rendered, it should solve your problem. I’ll try to replicate a situation like this on my end to make sense of it.