Need Help finding a software for music creation

So i am not a musician and do not real have any experience with software in this category but would like some help in finding software like garage band but for windows that i can purchase and do different genera of music rock orchestral. something that is easy to use for someone who can’t write music by notes. just need stuff to play in background of my game.

There are tons. Lmms, and audacity are awesome, and cant beat the price. You can mix on a phone, or tablet now, and get premium sound. Try Eric Matyas sound image site also. Just make sure you credit him for his work.

For me, Audacity website you can edit samples, songs, process audio files, as well as export files into a wide range of formats, such as mp3, WAV, and AIF. The interface of this software is simple and easy to pick up. I’m not a professional musician but using this software is like a professional.