need help Figuring out a VR casting Issue on Pickup Item

I am working on my very first Marketplace Content And have created a custom pickup item. I had everything almost working on a custom VR character I that I normally use when working on my projects. But in the interests of making my content clean and easy to use and also familiar, I started from scratch and decided to build it around the default Unreal motion controller Pawn.

Problem is a part of the code just does not seem to work with the Motion controller pawn , yet is does on the VR character I use, The code is identical and the only difference I know is that the custom VR CHAR has 2 motion controller components in the BP, vs the spawn actor motion controller BP’s and saving as the variables right & left controller that I’m calling in the cast.

I am basically trying to run a hand check to make sure that the event will only activate as long as the right thumb and left thumb inputs match to the same hands, And so far it works very well .
All the code below is from the custom pickup item and its set to grab the MOTION CONTROLLER that its parented to and save it as parent hand var.

And the one thats using the default Motioncontroller pawn

OK I think I know what the issue might be.

The pickup item is getting the motioncontroller that its attached to after pickup event is called, and saving it In a scene component variable called parent hand.
The custom VR char Motion-controllers are also scene components thats why it works because they can Equal each others type.

But the Default VR motion controller pawn left/right controller Variables are BP actor Variables And I’m sure thats why they are not able to equal each other.
But I can’t seem to find a way to do this using the default Motioncontroller pawn Not sure how I can setup a hand check when the default motioncontroller actor is a basically a duplicated duplicated right hand.

Ok think I solved it
Pic for anyone else that has this issue below