Need Help. Editing a uasset from hatred.

Word of warning : i am so new to UE4 its not funny so pls dont yell :s. I was playing the game hatred and wanted to change up the textures for private use, i unpacked the Hatred-WindowsNoEditor.pak and im looking to edit some textures of the main character. i believe that the textures are stored inside this uasset file, i have UE4 installed but have NEVER used it. i want to edit the textures and export them for my own use. Thanks :slight_smile: really need some help here.

Firstly … even if it is for private use … this is frowned upon. If the game was released for FREE modifications than you would need access to the actual “source” (for lack of a better word).

Secondly … the reason for packaging a game is to prevent people from changing stuff (although not foolproof but this is beside the point) … so I am going to go with please don’t do it and it is not possible.

If you want to make changes, contact the original developer and see if they are okay with you doing it … but I doubt it.

Also due to the fact of it’s nature I remember Epic Games basically saying “Don’t use the logo or the fact its on UE4 cause we don’t condone this type of violence.” or similar…and actually kind of shocked that seeing it on Steam is has a legit AO rating for just Violence/Blood/Gore only two other games I know of have gotten that rating based on violence alone and not having other material in it mainly nudity/sexual stuff to give it that rating. However qdepeche is correct unless the team that made Hatred releases tools to let you mod it or since it’s on Steam get it to work with Steam Workshop no one here will tell you how to unpackage a pack file cause it breaks the rules and can also land you in to legal trouble depending on the game/company and what you did with the asset.

The AO rating for Hatred is silly, it’s like any top down shooter but re-skinned as a insane killer rampage. People go on rampages in any open world game, kill hordes of enemy zombies, etc. It’s the same mindless killing as any other game. Steam orginally said they wouldn’t sell it, but they changed their mind, the game just got a lot of press and became a center piece for debate.

I agree. I got a chance to play it and honestly nothing about it screams AO to me…most of the game is a monotone black/grey and only fire or lights so color near them and blood. It is basically a somewhat bland version of games like Loaded for the original Playstation and you could actually see who was shooting you or who you were shooting. It’s a decent attempt but when you kill the same 5-8 char models and sometimes see the same person laying right next to another kind of eh…GTA series, ManHunt and MK series are more violent in my mind. Only differene is those have a plot while hatred well lacks one really.