Need clarification for dynamically starting dedicated servers

So i have a backend which takes care of player registration and login in-game. players can’t host a game themselves and have to send a request to backend and gets queued. when enough players are in queue a server should be created and pass the server info to the players and this parts that’s not clear for me. so far i can just start a UE4 server by running mygameServer.exe located in Win64 folder.

  • For starting a server dynamiclly, all i have to have is some code opening the mygameServer.exe whenever needed? any extra parameters?
  • If so how do i get the server info for my players that are needed to connect to the newly created server?
  • Is there anything else i need or I’m missing?

Thanks in advance.


  1. Yes, that is correct. You could have a Python script, a batch script, etc. launch the executable if you want.

1 and 2) You can specify which port to run on using the -port parameter on the command line. As for the IP, that would be determined by whatever machine you are running the server on.

  1. Assuming you spawn a new server process for each game, then you would also need some kind of “manager server.” It could take care of launching the new game server and telling the clients what the port + IP is for that new server.

Thank you! now it’s clear for me.