I love Unreal’s BluePrint feature and have developed many AR apps using Unreal. However, I have not developed with Unreal in the last few years. The reason I haven’t developed with Unreal in the last few years is that the ARKit and ARCore SDKs haven’t been updated in several years and I can’t benefit from the recent SDK updates.
I would like to use Unreal for future development if possible, but I was wondering if you guys know how to solve this SDK problem?
For example, we could appeal to the engine developers to update the SDK, or we could find someone to develop our own SDK that can use the latest APIs of ARKit and ARCore and outsource it. Please, please, please share your wisdom.
Sadly, as almost none is making ar apps with unreal, I don’t think we will get any update soon. And even if we do, I think updates will lack anyway and that we will be facing the same issue in a year or two… :((
I need to use Geospatial API for my AR Project but only Unreal Engine is not available to use it. Why EpicGames is too late to get update recent AR Core SDK?
Thank you all for your replies.
I heard on the UnrealAR developer discord server that an update is expected in 5.3/5.4, and given the current state of AR, I’m just thankful that it is expected. It may be a while before the target version is available, but we will wait.
there just really won’t be anyone left doing iOS XR by the time they get around to fixing it.
someday Apple will ship their headset and all that dev will happen on Unity or Swift… why would anyone want to use UE if this is how they treat that market?
Now updated to ARcore1.37.0. Which offers Geospatial API. Hey @kaira u’ve said that it will be available of 5.3/5.4 update. can i really expect that?
Only the omniscient gods of the Epic-verse can answer that one.
I think epic games is not moving towards potential Extended reality.
I am glad you all are interested in this topic.
I have heard about the SDK update on the Discord server where AR developers meet, but I don’t know if it will actually be updated in the target version. But I don’t think it’s a good idea for users to be pessimistic.
Is there anything we can do to get developers to update the SDK? For example, can’t we post about the update on the Unrealissue site and people can vote and tell us what they want? We want to improve this situation. Please share your wisdom with us.
We’ve had some good progress lately. The SDK’s will be updated in either 5.3 or 5.4, but we’re not exposing new SDK functionality to Blueprints.
@VictorLerp It is very gratifying that an update to the SDK is being planned. I appreciate those involved in the update. However, I am honestly disappointed that it will not be released to Blueprint. I think AR development within Unreal is going to be exciting in the future, but what are your thoughts within Epic?
I am looking for better development on “AR/VR app development along with Blueprint”. If that happens, the developer community will expand exponentially, & BTW business too!
The ARKit update does not appear to be included in either 5.3 or 5.4. I hope they will at least fix the tracking bug.
Any news on the current state of this? ARKit 6 had some really exciting new updates.
yeah, any news on this?!