I am trying to set up a model of a solar system so there is a lot of orbit movement for planets, moons and satellites. All they ways I have been able to think of makes janky movement for the clients. I guess this is the result of the server correcting location and rotation. (I also have click to move setup for player characters and this is smooth)
I have used a Rotation movement component with offset in x-axis and a rotation speed, this creates very janky rotation on the clients.
I have also tried to use setLocationAndRotation in EventTick for all the actors (planets/moons). This works a lot better but it is still way to janky. If there was a way to smooth the correction from the server this might work well enough. But I think this would just lag behind and make for a larger correction after some time has passed. I get the feeling that the client is simulating the movement by moving the actor in the orbits tangent direction.
I guess I could let the client handle all the updates for the orbit movement and set the actors to not replicate movement. But then I would have the problem of synching the clients since I need all the planets/moons to be at the same position for all clients.