nDisplay - one monitor is upside down...

I’ve been tinkering with nDisplay but really can’t figure it out…

I’m using 2 TVs laid out as in the attached pic(top view). I’ve also attached my config. The “i9” screen (the one on the left in the pic) is flipped upside down under this setup… It also tends to happen when I enter negative values in the screen position or yaw…

Also sometimes one screen is just completely black. I assume it’s because the 2 screens are overlapping in VR world but am not sure…

My project is just the sample project, packaged with SteamVR and Oculus plugins disabled.

Can anyone help with this upside-down problem? Appreciate any insights…

To anyone having the same headache, you can debug your config file in PIE… They actually draw a plane for each of your screens…

Though they are using a featureless material on the screen meshes by default, you can still swap it with some proper material to see the direction of each screen.

Also, be aware that some genius decided to make the X axis the forward vector in the config file.

To be fair, UE4 has always made X positive forward…
Looking back I was just wrong about the sign of the angles… too much guesswork…