NDisplay hanging on ClusterEvent

Hello all.

I’m having trouble with NDisplay and cluster events. My test event is set up correctly and I am using the default CE port, but every time I send an event through the launcher my displays receive the input and processes it but then the launcher hangs and stops responding. The launcher never seems to receive a response message. In my master node log it says

LogDisplayClusterNetwork: New incoming connection: IP_ADDRESS:52447
LogDisplayClusterNetwork: Session thread SRV_CE_session_external1IP_ADDRESS:52447 started
LogDisplayClusterNetwork: Session SRV_CE_session_externalIP_ADDRESS:52447 started
LogDisplayClusterNetwork: Json based message has been processed

And then hangs. I have turned off my firewall and even tried sending a message through an external application and it doesn’t seem to work. Does anyone have any suggestions?


same problem!

Try nDisplayLauncher from 4.24 preview. This problem has been fixed some time ago.