nDisplay FPS Monitoring

Is there a way to monitor FPS of ndisplay render nodesemphasized text

No / depends on the visual library.
Dx12 has no real FPS output info.

The engine numbers are fake btw, not factual.
Based on best guess due to ms frame cost.

Technically even Fraps and others still have dx12 issues or just flat out don’t work with dx12… Or rely on mostly best guess rather than accurate info as you might expect.

The best and probably only accurate output is going to be straight from your GFX card’s manufacturer software.

Msi afterburner or Nvidia’s shadow play.
Possibly the overclocking stuff on 40*0 cards - so for asus GPU Teak 3.

If you want the best guess the engine gives you, you can always output the value of it as a string :wink:

That’s probably 1 / delta time

interesting, curious if i can get fps of rendernode in a blueprint

You can, but it depends on when the tick occurs a bit.
I mean you can always just find a different way to get the gametime/frame time.

In worse of the worse cases…
Save GameTime to its own local variable.
Do math of the current value of it - the stored value (before stored value updates).
Thats the time between ticks local to the function.

It’s not necessarily rendering related anymore, but in a BP you usually need the time of the BP tick to sort out what’s what…

Hello! Just jumping in here with both an answer and a question. In the past, I’ve used the “stat fps” console command in nDIsplay, and it’s worked just fine - my stats appear in the right upper corner of the screen like normal. However, in 5.5, I can’t see my stats anywhere? I see the console command bar appear and can type in the command, but the stats themselves don’t appear after hitting enter. Does anyone know what might be going on here?

Solved it, in case anyone is looking for an answer - there’s a Switchboard setting called “disable all screen messages” that needs to be unchecked!