Navmesh problems

I am having problems with my navmesh, my ai people won’t go up the stairs. I turned on my navmesh visibility so you can see the results.

(You can see the faint outline of the invisible plane I put over the stairs… the outline is from collision being turned on)


You need to increase “Agent Max Step Height” in your “RecastNavMesh” in your “Level”:

That doesn’t fix it, their is an invisible plane over ther “stairs”, so they don’t have to step up them, if I delete the visible stair I have the same problem.

You need try change each parameter, and see what happens.

“You need to increase “Agent Max Step Height” in your “RecastNavMesh” in your “Level”:”

Hi, I am quite new to this, how do I find the properties? What do I select?

Many thanks in advance!