Navmesh needs to be rebuilt UE5 Multiplayer?

I’ve moved my 4.27 project over to UE5 & When I start it in client mode with 2 players, I got an error saying “Navmesh need to be rebuilt”. Even after rebuilding project doesn’t fix it. Seems to be a problem with multiplayer only shows an error for each client that join’s.

Nav mesh & AI still work as before tho even with this error?

Also tested this in fresh project’s, just third person & first person template’s, 2 player client net mode with a plain nav mesh dropped in, Same error

Is there some setting that needs to be changed, or is it something with the engine? cause i have reinstalled the engine already didn’t change anything?


Move the navmesh a little bit or delete the recast nav object in your outliner

I’ve deleted the old NavMesh and brought in a new one & built. Still getting the error?


Well Fixed the Problem

Apparently in UE5 when using a NavMeshBoundsVolume for AI, as a Client you need to enable a setting in ProjectSettings → Engine / NavigationSystem & Set (Allow Client side Navigation) to True

Also didn’t help i had a RecastNavMesh always in my project that i just never noticed, that was causung a conflic of navigation so nothing moved untill i deleted it :smile:


ProjectSettings → Engine → NavigationSystem → Auto Destroy if No Navigation” also works, if you only need the NavMesh on the Server side.

Settings → NavigationMesh → Sort Navigation Areas by Cast → disable it
that solved the problem in my case

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