Navmesh - Multiple agent meshes no longer being generated.

Hi there,
I have been experimenting with using multiple agent masks with Navmeshes (UE 5.1) and have run into a little snag. I had three different masks working correctly (Small, Default, Big), then disabled two of them under Project Settings > Navigation System > Supported Agents Mask. (Small and Big, Default was working correctly). I also tried creating a second NavMeshVolume and Setting the Supported Agent Masks to different bounds volumes on there.

I tried to re-enable the Small and Big masks but now I can’t seem to get the RecastNavMesh objects to regenerate. I tried resizing the bounds to force regeneration but the Small Mask does not work. In the Navigation System > Supported Agents the NavDataClass for the ones I disabled is set to NULL.

I would like to know how to regenerate this object.

On a related note, when I removed the working NavDataClass (with the Use selected from Browser button) then pressed the + Create new blueprint, it crashed unreal.

How do I regenerate these assets? Any tips? Thanks

You can see in one of the images some yellow spheres, these are navmesh invokers so I can see it working on default and not working on Small with these as well as static generation.

Hello budy,

Have you found any solution for this? I think I’m about to go crazy.
Is it possible that this could be an Unreal bug?


I was able to get mine to regenerate by building paths again.

If that doesn’t work I saw a solution for others that worked that included deleting the volumes and recasts. Duplicating the level. Then readding the volumes and building paths.