I’ve been trying to make a Navmesh for my enemy AI to walk along, however they wouldn’t move at all (even though they are character blueprints), and Green displaying Navmesh is built underneath floors collision box ( default 10 draw offset though is still up not down though from underneath). Additionally I tried to add box brushes like topdown template and Navmesh won’t build on them (even though bounding definitely covers them).
Is there some setting somewhere that isn’t instructed or some particular method I’m missing that is causing all these issues? I’d greatly appreciate some help with this.
Hey SwiftIllusion,
Does this happen in every project? Have you tried it in a new project? If you open a new top-down template project, does existing Nav Mesh behave as expected? Is this happening in 4.3?
Does this happen only with BSP brushes, or with Static Meshes as well? If you convert your BSP boxes into Meshes, does same issue occur? Can you provide some images of what you’re seeing?
This is in 4.3, and when opening top-down template to try and see if I was missing anything it worked perfectly as expected.
Here’s a screen of some tests in my project with navmesh display offset at 0 - http://i.imgur.com/Y1EmWBw.png . circle there is caused by an invisible capsule collider I made in a blueprint. Even though its center is at top of floor its also having navmesh made at its bottom. cube brush on bottom right is above bottom of rooms collision box it isn’t causing a hole in navmesh. (If I moved it up higher than that though it would, which also confuses me). cube brush at top right is just above where it would cause a hole in navmesh, even though its still inside collision area. box at right is a brush cube converted to mesh (doesn’t look like a collision box is given to it automatically). In-case it changes anything note that room is also just static mesh added in (added box collision in static mesh editor)
I worked it out!!! After looking into static mesh in editor again I found ‘Collision>Convert Boxes to Convex’ button, no idea why but turns out initial boxes added are concave? That’s definitely not what I was expecting, regardless thankfully it’s now working and my enemies are moving around arena correctly :D, thanks a lot for your response as it resulted in me looking where I hadn’t before and discovering issue :).
Glad you got it working! I’m not certain why that solved it for you, though; if you look again, you should still see that option for your mesh. Simple box collision shouldn’t be considered concave or convex, and there shouldn’t be a way for your floor mesh’s collision to be convex if it’s a standard, non-convex shape. If using that feature worked for your floor, it likely reset something for Nav Mesh and got it working for you.
If something like this happens again, please let us know so we can look into it a bit further. Your first step when working with Nav Mesh and brushes should usually be to Build Geometry and see if that updates what you need it to. As you noted, brushes converted to Static Meshes do not start with collision, so that should be something you check as well.
Again, glad you got it working!
Thank you :)! Yeah I’m surprised too, I guess it must have just needed to reset itself somehow-I’d tried building geometry to see if that did anything but it hadn’t so regardless it seems pressing convert to convex worked out. I’ll be sure to let you know if something happens again.
Thank you again ^^!
I’m having this same issue with Box components (not box colliders inside of meshes but actual box component in blueprint editor/components tab.) If I enable a box collider on my collection of static mesh instances and disable their individual colliders I get a nav-mesh outline on floor underneath my box.
Hey ,
You’re in 4.4 now, right? Does this happen anytime you follow steps you described? Does Swiftillusion’s solution change anything?
I’m not able to reproduce this on my end so far, but I may not be doing exactly what you’re doing. Can you recreate this from scratch and list steps for me? Thanks!