I tried to apply NavMesh to Procedural Mesh, but it doesn’t work.
Procedural mesh on the left, Classic Plane on the right:
And collision settings:

How can i fix it?
I tried to apply NavMesh to Procedural Mesh, but it doesn’t work.
Procedural mesh on the left, Classic Plane on the right:
How can i fix it?
After a few experiments, I found out that the NavMesh works, but only if the Procedural Mesh is moved. But not works for Create Mesh Section.
And my new question:
How can i force update navigation for Actor or Procedural Mesh without moving?
Ok, I found a solution. To update NavMesh we need to call this function for Procedural Mesh component:
void UTestBlueprintFunctionLibrary::TestNavUpdate(USceneComponent* SceneComponent) {
if (SceneComponent->IsRegistered())
if (SceneComponent->GetWorld() != nullptr)
I love you. UpdateComponentData works. Cannot find this node in blueprint but UpdateComponentData called in my appropriate place in my c++ code did the job! Thanks!