Currently we working on rouglike-ish project with dynamic world generation and using ULevelStreamingDynamic::LoadLevelInstanceBySoftObjectPtr. We tried to use baked(?) navigation but it seems like it does not load. We concluded to use nav invokers placed in the center of the map and this worked, untill we updated engine to 5.1.
Navigation does build tho if you load straight through map (in game we load from main menu with lvlstreaming).
Things I’ve tried: Attach NI on player character, set nav mesh bounds on movable, spawn NI via map bp at Begin play, nothing worked.
Does any body have any idea on what happening?
Further more is there a way to use “baked” navmesh with ULevelStreamingDynamic::LoadLevelInstanceBySoftObjectPtr?
I know this is old, but had a similar issue. Looked at level streaming and nav system today. Reason the nav mesh doesn’t ever get imported is when you finish generating the nav mesh it doesn’t save to the NavDataChunks on the level if its a persistent level. When the RecastNavMesh goes to attach the streamed levels data chunks to the current level it fails to find, since there was nothing saved to where it was looking.
Unsure if its intended, but a workaround is this.
Create a new level
Add the level with the Nav Volume as a sub level.
Build Paths
Stream in the original level (sub level in the empty level).
Since in this case the level with the nav mesh is now in a sub level its NavDataChunk now properly saves and gets imported. For any future users this was done in 5.3.