Empty map have navigation mesh data.
After build:
Map file: [bug.map][3]
I have attempted to reproduce this issue by creating a new empty level and adding a Nav Mesh Bounds Volume, but I don’t see the same result.
Thank you
This bug have two variations:
We have a huge map, with 1000 actors and foliage placed in a scene (trees places via Foliage tool). And we have the same incorrect space in navigation mesh. Bug continue to exist even after deleting all the objects from the map. I dont not know how to reproduce that.
I’ve done some research and turn out that the bug caused by trees collision, i captured a video showing steps to reproduce this bug in a simple way, where the only object in a scene is a tree.
Have you been able to reproduce this in a clean project?
Yes, you need trees only. I atteched the archive of a project, with a minimum assets enough to reproduce the bug Dropbox - Error - Simplify your life
If so, what are the steps I can follow to reproduce this on our end?
Here is video https://youtu.be/H3gQMAc2tGQ
To be clear, the level is completely empty other than that Nav Mesh Bounds Volume?
As i told before, there is two variations of this bug:
The level is empty. Map contains NavMeshBoundsVolume and RecastNavMesh-Default only, (but level contaned a lot of actors in first place, but the bug is still exists, even after deleting all of them)
Level contain single tree foliage, with collisions turned on.
I’ve looked into this issue a bit further, and it seems the NavMesh is generated properly, but the collision of the tree is off. The pivot point of the tree is not centered, which is causing the collision to be placed in the wrong place. This explains why you are seeing the NavMesh generating in areas that appear to be incorrect.
In terms of the empty level issue, I have still been unable to reproduce this on my end. Try building paths after you’ve deleted all of your actors and see if that removes the NavMesh. Also, I do not understand why you are deleting all of the actors from a level ,but keeping the NavMesh Bounds Volume. Can you explain this please? Thank you.
In terms of the empty level issue, I have still been unable to reproduce this on my end.
Empty level issue is a different bug, I think. For some reason UE4 think that there are some trees still on a map, but in reality they are not. We cant reproduce this bug. I’ll give you the project with level that have NavigationMesh still having a data, while there is no objects on the map
Also, check out the video https://youtu.be/svp7zwK4oks
Try building paths after you’ve deleted all of your actors and see if that removes the NavMesh. Also, I do not understand why you are deleting all of the actors from a level ,but keeping the NavMesh Bounds Volume. Can you explain this please?
I can’t delete Navigation Mesh Volume и RecastNavMesh-Default, because I need it to build paths. After rebuilding paths issue is still exists.
To be clear, you were not able to reproduce this bug in a clean project? If this is the case, it could be related to that specific project.
Yes, we are not able to reproduce this bug in a clean project.
Since we are not able to reproduce this issue on our end, and you are unable to reproduce the issue in a new project, there currently is nothing further that I can do to investigate this issue. If you happen to come across a way to reproduce the bug in a clean project, feel free to re-open this thread with the repro steps.
Have a great day,
Sean Flint