I would have thought with all the work Epic is putting into UE5, navigation would be already well solved, but looking around the internet, people still have a ton of issues with it, me included. All the navigation-related bugs and workarounds really don’t help maintain a good impression of the nav system. Especially if some of the issues persist for 10+ years. So I have a few burning questions before I lose sanity.
Is navigation system being overhauled? Are any radical changes coming?
Is everyone relying on some magical third-party solution for reliable, stable navmesh navigation? If so, which one please?
How seriously is Epic taking all the stuff that comes up if they google “ue5 navmesh problems”?
Yes, I could be more specific and talk about how I have to delete and remake navmesh volume every ■■■■ time for the system to pick up smart links, how those never get picked up as child actors, how user-unfriendly and functionality-lacking the whole link system is or how about child static meshes attached to navlinkproxy get all their collision settings ignored but…
…I’ve just spent a few days debugging this hot mess and it really takes it out of me.