When enabling Persistent Levels placing an actor causes a crash on the building of the nav mesh.
> UE4Editor-Engine.dll!RecastGeometryExport::ExportHeightFieldSlice(const FNavHeightfieldSamples & PrefetchedHeightfieldSamples, const int NumRows, const int NumCols, const FTransform & LocalToWorld, TNavStatArray<float> & VertexBuffer, TNavStatArray<int> & IndexBuffer, const FBox & SliceBox, FBox & UnrealBounds) Line 569 C++
[2016.05.17-04.07.44:813][583]LogSCSEditor:Warning: Calling UpdateTree() from Tick() more frequently than expected due to invalid tree node state. This might be a performance issue.
First-chance exception at 0x00007FFA10E0C3F9 (msvcr120.dll) in UE4Editor.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0000000000000000.
Unhandled exception at 0x00007FFA10E0C3F9 (msvcr120.dll) in UE4Editor.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0000000000000000.
I might have been wrong with my inital analysis, it seems that in the green area the nav mesh generates and in the red area it crashes the engine. Maybe theres a distant limitation? If anyone can shed some light on this id be much appreciative…
Have you tried extracting the area where it crashes to a separate, test map and generating navmesh there? It might be a matter of messed up collision in one of the assets used there.
It seems that the setting in your original video had me set the Gathering Data from Instant to lazy, but changing the lazy back to instant stopped the crashing.
I am happy to hear that you were able to find a solution to your issue. However, I have a few questions for you that will help write up a report for this issue.
Quick questions:
Can you reproduce this issue in a clean project?
If so, could you provide a detailed list of steps to reproduce this issue on our end?
Could you provide screen shots of any settings/blueprints that may be involved with this issue?
We have not heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing the issue you reported, please respond to this message with additional information and we will offer further assistance.