I am spawning AI actors with NavigationInvoker-component (Runtime Generation is set to “Dynamic Modifiers Only”), but actors cant move unless Runtime Generation is set to “Dynamic” which destroys performance. Have also tried to use “Register Navigation Invoker”-node (in actor event graph - “Get Navigation System”-node connected to target and actor’s self to invoker), but it dosent seem to have effect. Is there a bug or am I missing something?
Edit: If those AI actors are spawned to location where already navmesh have been generated by editor placed Ai actor (with invoker) then they can move. But not if placed to location where navmesh dont yet exist.
Thanks for report! I was able to reproduce this behavior in 4.9.1 as well as our internal build, and I’ve entered a bug report for issue (UE-21218). For now, you’ll need to use Dynamic Runtime Generation to use Nav Invokers with spawned AI. I will update this post when I see any update on report. Thanks again!
What is status? I noticed spawned actors cant still move if using dynamic modifies only setting, even having invoker components for them. Needing to use dynamic setting which seem to give bigger performance hit on my 2kmx2km map (with 16 streamed levels).
developers have said that this is by design. Navigation Invokers invoke navmesh generation around them, and DynamicModifiersOnly mode does not generate navmesh, it just changes annotation of previously present navmesh. only way to use Navigation Invokers currently is to use Dynamic mode for Runtime Generation.
For large maps, you’ll need to find another way to use nav mesh that doesn’t cause a large burden. For example, it may be much less intensive to have placed nav meshes only where you need them, and only use navigation invokers for a limited number of actors.