Navigation and Interaction on Left Mouse obstruct each other

Hey there!

I would like some help with a predicament I can’t seem to figure out.
I’m developing an interactive experience in which the user has to use the Left Mouse button to do most of the actions. These actions involve movement and interaction with objects. Both of these functionalities work a treat separately, but as soon as I put the interaction on the left mouse button the movement stops working.

The movement is done when the left mouse button is held and dragged.
For the interaction a linetrace is used to teleport a gizmo object to the clicked compatible actor. This gizmo can then be used to drag the actor through the world with, you guessed it, the holding and dragging of the left mouse button.

Gizmo Object Blueprint Base
Character Class Pastebin

NavigationPrimary is the Left Mouse Button event.
BP_Usercharacter is the blueprint based on the characterclass script.

I’ve made a temporary solution but it’s far from ideal as it disables the movement completely.

What I’d like it to do is that the movement only gets disabled when a compatible actor is selected. So if anyone could give me a lead or an idea that would be greatly appreciated!

If I need to provide more insight on how the blueprint/script works or other possibly related functions then post a comment.