ok. I have a persistent level and streamed levels. The streamed levels have ai in them. I have 1 nav mesh in my persistent level and none in my streamed levels. To my understanding, this should work but it does not. Im using AIMoveTo and im not feeding it a wrong location(already tested it to verify). But my ai just takes off toward the back of the map when they should go to my characters location. It is set to Dynamic. Force rebuild at run time is True. The nav mesh covers the entire area. My AI has a an AI controller.
Hey @Tshanks44, can you provide more info about the issue?.
To be sure, try performing a Play In Editor (PIE) session. Once all levels are streamed in, open the console and type "Show Navigation". This will visualize the NavMesh, allowing us to check if it’s being generated correctly.
@BRGDemianLopez yes i did do that already and navigation shows up just fine and dynamically changes as the level changes. I had it working until i deleted the nav mesh and put it back in. Just cant figure out why its not working now. I feel like it has to do with the ai being in streamed levels and the nav mesh only in the persistent level. Maybe the ai is unable to reference the nav data correctly because its in the persistent level?
@TShanks44, if navigation is OK i dont think its a problem with navigation, maybe something related to the way AI is initialized or how the MoveTo is called. Can you show me the logic you are using for the AI?