NavigateTo Resulting in Reached Everytime

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I have made a few NPC Behaviours to test the new character device, and every time the NavigateTo results in Reached. I have tried including the reach distance and partial path arguments, but it has the same results. I’m not sure if I’m doing something incorrect due to it being so new but this doesn’t seem like intended behaviour.

Steps to Reproduce

  • Create custom NPC Behaviour script that calls the NavigateTo function with obstacles between the character and target location.
  • The Character will get stuck on an obstacle and complete NavigateTo with result reached.

Expected Result

The expected result is for the character to find a path to the target location.

Observed Result

The observed result is the character getting stuck and NavigateTo resulting in “Reached”



how’s it going, were you able to solve this?

Can confirm that. Happened to me months ago and is still happening. It will always say “Reached”, even if the npc definitely did not.

UCB-1259 incident has been created. Status is ‘Awaiting Validation’.

curious is there a way to see current active known bugs somewhere? in a way that we’ll know what to expect, so people don’t waste time trying to make something work if it’s known bug (because could waste days of time researching and trying things out, only to find later that it was expected and is being fixed soon :sweat_smile: it would be great to have access to bug tracker like some jira board or trello, whatever the team is using, or a simple autogenerated list of currently active bugs that is displayed as html publicly so we’ll be aware of what’s in the works to be fixed and avoid hitting head on a wall with some of the issues :grin: