Nav Mesh Bounds Volume not working at all

I’m working on a horror game, And I made The map Out of cubes, I Already Had My Nav Mesh Bounds Working, and I decided to merge all the cubes into one Static Mesh in order to save space, So I used the “Convert Actors to Static Mesh” Option, And Then, I replaced the cubes with the Static mesh Itself, but then, The Nav Mesh Bounds Volume Wasn’t working at all, Even If press P, The color Green doesn’t appear, when I press play, The player and the other characters just start to fall through the map, Is there any way to fix it? Please Help!

try messing around with the collision settings. i would say to try the world static type and also search in the details panel for anything associated with navigation. i would say that the collision should fix your issue. oh yea also open your mesh by double clicking it in the content browser and make sure it has collision there, it should but you never know.


I got this problem too and checking collision didn’t help, but I managed to solve it. I created a new level in my project, used nav mesh there (it worked) and then loaded back my original one (suddenly started working there to). Hope it helps cause it can be really frustrating!


worked for me, I don’t what the hell is the problem. It worked until the day before, I open the project the next day and the AI didn’t want to move, tried to remove and add again the nav mesh but nothing, this worked thanks!

Hey, Had the same issue.
I found if you remove the RecastNavMesh as well as the NavMesh before adding a new Navmesh it seams to fix the problem. The Recast is added when you drop a NavMesh into the level but not if one is already there.
At a guess i would say its not re-targeting to the newer NavMesh and i cant see a way to change or set the target.

Hope this helps

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This worked for me!

i had a similar problem. my old navmesh didnt work for no reason. i think it happened cuz i moved the folder in the desktop. i created a new navmesh with all the same edits and there it worked

you saved my life, I had this problem randomly popping out, I didn’t know there is a Recast beside NavMesh

I found out moving the RecastNavMesh component on map will make it malfunction.

To prevent accidentally moving RecastNavMesh on map, right click on RecastNavMesh, go to Transform and tick Lock Actor Movement.

As mentioned by @HypoConDreAct If your NavMesh is not working, first remove NavMesh, then remove RecastNavMesh. notice that NavMesh must be removed first other wise it will try to create non working RecastNavMeshes again.

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I wish I could give you a hundred upvotes. That saved me after 6 hours of searching and trying. Thanks a lot for sharing this!

This worked the first time not the second time. Try Project Settings → Navigation System and set nav data class to recastnavmesh

Try Project Settings → Navigation System and set nav data class to recastnavmesh

I am new to un4 and I do not know any settings about the editor
I am actually refering a YouTube tutorial and I have the problem of
Navmesh. The cube I made doesn’t move and I re did the the whole
Level again but I could not solve the problem. Please help me

Thanks mate!