Nav Mesh Bounds Volume Issue

The screenshot above shows that the nav mesh bound volume does not work when i add another nav mesh bound around the higher ground area while the image below shows when i have one single mesh bound volume, it works fine.

To give a better idea what I’m trying to do, I want to have a navigation bound for an AI to move anywhere on the ground and on a higher floor.
How can I solve this or force Unreal Engine to have the bounds work in areas it wouldn’t work with by default.

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You can try to adjust some parameters in the Navigation Mesh Settings.

Project Settingts → Engine → Navigation Mesh


Maybe try to increase the “Agent Max Slope” and decrease “Cell Size”


Thanks, @MajorT! The cell size, cell height, and agent height made a significant difference.

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I’m glad to hear that.
Can you show me the result? :slight_smile:

The red circles show the areas that are fixed, those areas show that they now have filled paths to get the AI’s walking through them. For example the building on the left, the circle shows a gap that has been filled so the AI could now go in and out. On the right side, I’m not sure but it’s just a bit of a display issue, however, the AI’s can get through it perfectly fine!

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Okay very cool :slight_smile:

Just found another possible solution, the use of the “Nav Link Proxy” could work too (as it just worked in my case).

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