Today I came a cross a strange problem that suddenly appeared which has not happened before.
My navmesh has been done for a while now and had no problems with it untill today. Out of no where at a random spot a navmesh bound box stopped working and the nav mesh will not work at all at the position!! I tried re doing the terrain and rebuilding the mesh and putting new navmesh bounds in!
Whatever I do the navigation will just not generate on it!
It’s as if there is something in the scene blocking it… here is an image of what it looks like.
Bump! I’m also having similar issues. My navmesh connects through some open doorways but not others - even though all doorways are the same size. Anyone have an idea?
Played around with the project settings like you recommended and somehow broke it even more but then restarted the project and it magically fixed it self so for all I know is that this answer answered my question haha! thanks man!