Nativization fails with nativized actor reference in values of map variable


I have a single class set to Nativize (exclusive method) : “Chunk”. Another class (“MapManager” - not nativized) has a map variable with vector keys and Chunk references values. I attached the log errors (shipping build).

link text

I am absolutely not a programmer but I noticed that at the lines mentionned by the log (150-160 for MapManager and 1018-1819 for Chunk), the value type of the TMap is declared as ** AChunk_C* ** instead of ** AChunk_C__pf6286095* **

From MapManager__pf6286095.h (150 - 160) :

FORCENOINLINE TMap<FVector,AChunk_C*> & GetRef__ChunkMap__pf()
		static TWeakObjectPtr<UProperty> __PropertyPtr{};
		const UProperty* __Property = __PropertyPtr.Get();
		if (nullptr == __Property)
			__Property = GetClass()->FindPropertyByName(FName(TEXT("ChunkMap")));
			__PropertyPtr = __Property;
		return *(__Property->ContainerPtrToValuePtr<TMap<FVector,AChunk_C*> >(__Object));

From Chunk__pf6286095.cpp (1818) :

TMap<FVector,AChunk_C*>  __Local__8 = TMap<FVector,AChunk_C*> {}

Unfortunately, I have not been able to reproduce the issue on a blank project.
Prior to this error, I had other issues with Map variables (read : Nativize assets fails with Set variable - Programming & Scripting - Unreal Engine Forums) but I modified my script to avoid them. Map and sets are very useful and I would like to use the power of C++ conversion.

By the way, packaging without nativization works fine, I have restarted my computer several times, deleted Intermediate and Saved folders, etc.