Nanite Optimization

How can I optimize Nanite (i.e. Reduce the number of Max triangles shown at screen)
I guess you can edit every static mesh and tweak its Nanite options… But i really do not want to go one by one. I just need an option to reduce the max num of triangles shown at screen, i didnt find
Thanks in advance

As far as I know there is not one.

I can only see/configure these:

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Ok, i will check them out, although some made it crash before… Hahaha
Did any specific configuration work for you?

max clusters/patches is useful with larger, open areas + foliage/grass.

pixels-per-edge can help with the distance handling of foliage (i can’t find the thread I found it in)

max nodes is generally-useful if you have a dense scene overall; it’s akin to how many tiles you pick in a virtual texture; more nodes = more granularity in culling, etc

all max_X stats reserve memory so be aware making them larger costs more, but usually leads to better performance

Seems i cant get to reduce the “granularity”, seems like these options just show, or dont show chunks of meshes, i wish i could just, lets say, scale down Nanite resolution. I tried the MaxNodes option, to lower the number, but meshes just disappear :frowning:
Im working with the “City Sample” project btw, you know, the Matrix city

nodes and clusters represent groups of meshes, like the patched used for landscape grass

i don’t believe there is a max-triangles threshold as nanite builds/culls the clusters it uses for tracing

you can control the parts of the overhead that determine which (groups) of meshes get culled, but how many tris is still up to nanite (seemingly).

per-mesh the setting is keep-triangle-percent, to effectively set the max-tris for that model but overall, the system still does the rest

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