Nanite Meshes Breaking After Upgrading Unreal Engine Project from 5.3 to 5.4 – Partial Fix?

Hey everyone,

I wanted to share a weird issue I’ve been dealing with after upgrading my Unreal Engine project from 5.3 to 5.4 and see if anyone else has encountered this or knows of a better solution.

After the upgrade, I noticed that all of my Nanite meshes were broken and weren’t rendering correctly. Initially, I thought I found a fix by opening the static mesh, going into the LOD 0 settings, and enabling “Recompute Normals” under the build settings.

This seemed to work at first— the meshes started rendering properly again after applying the changes and saving. However, I’ve noticed that while the fix works when you’re close to the meshes, the issue comes back when you view them from a far distance.

Has anyone else run into this problem? I’m wondering if there’s another setting I’m missing or if this is a bug in the 5.4 update.


Did you get this fixed? I have the same issue with ALL my meshes moving from 5.3 to 5.4 with nanite. Please help

I moved on to other tasks in the meantime and never addressed the issue again.

Now, I tried it again, and it seems to be working. The main change I made was updating Unreal to version 5.4.4, so that may have resolved the problem.

Be sure to select “Recalculate Normals” for every LOD level.

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