Nanite + lightmaps flickering issue (new in 5.5)

Movable Nanite meshes work again with volumetric lightmaps (5.4 → 5.5 fix, more info here), but now they flicker when out of focus:

This doesn’t happen on non-Nanite meshes. It also goes away when I set the Indirect Lighting Intensity to 0 (static lighting baked with GPU Lightmass).

It looks like a bug - the artifacts change color randomly, and sometimes disappear when an object is not moving for a certain amount of time.

I’ve tried different settings to fix it, but nothing has worked. Any clues?

Update: It’s on static Nanite meshes too:

Important update: The issue sometimes goes away when reloading a map, then randomly comes back when reloading again (or restarting the project). The edge artifacts also change color almost each time they appear, so it’s not stable. The artifact intensity also varies with each map/project reload.

I’ve tried updating the graphics drivers, but that didn’t make any difference.

I’m trying different console variables and project settings to see if any of them have any connection to this issue, but without luck so far. The only thing that helps is to disable Nanite on the meshes.
I’ll post updates here. If anyone has any clues on what might cause it, I’d greatly appreciate it.

Update 2: The issue seems to go away in packaged game! (still visible in the editor and Standalone mode)

Update: When packaged with a mode other than Shipping (e.g. Development), the issue persists in the packaged game too.