Nanite Foliage colors are incorrect in Vulkan vs DirectX 12

I am having an issue where my foliage textures/colors are all washed out when I have Vulkan set to default instead of DirectX12. Heres a picture of the tree beforehand, and the tree after, just in the asset viewer.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated thanks!

The tree doesn’t look washed out in vulkan if I turn Nanite off though, forgot to add that.


I have the same issue. Still searching for a solution.

5.3 same issue
ok to fix NormalTex* Vec(1.1.-1);
for multiple devices globale param collection with platform switch

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Can confirm, that issue still exists in 5.3.2, on both Linux and Windows (when using Vulkan).

@Ulrich.Thummler’s workaround helps - thanks a lot, you’re a great magician! :mage:

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