The water is glitching through the landscape when I’m zoomed in. When I zoom out, it’s ok.
Does anyone knows why it happens ? Or how to fix this ?
EDIT : So, it’s seems that finally the issue is coming from the nanite and not the water. If I disable nanite on the landscape, it’s ok.
I tried rebuilding the landscape several time, changing the magnitude and center.
Sometimes it’s fixed for a little while but it comes back after 10-15min no matter what I try.
The effect is the same as in the screenshot bellow, but instead of the water the patches of landscape are invisible and I see like the skydome.
Having the exact same problem - from afar it looks normal but when either playing or going in with camera the invisible-tiles appear. Though it’s not a problem on the landscape partitions where I e.g have a lot of generated meshes etc like a PCG forest. Have you find any solution besides disabling nanite?