Mythic Shadow Midas' Drum Gun wrap texture bug

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?



The Shadow Midas’ Drum Gun has Jules’ texture mixed overlapping it

Steps to Reproduce

get an Item placer and add the Shadow Midas’ Drum Gun to it

Expected Result

You should see what looks like a small amount of purple texture not covering the entire gun, The physics equation for force (F=am) is faintly in the purple if you look at it in the right light.

Observed Result

The gun looks like it has 2 textures



Additional Notes

During chapter 4 season 4 the Jules’ Drum Gun had it’s textures changed from hers to the Midas’ Drum Gun from chapter 2 season 2 and with that the Shadow Midas’ drum gun had what looked like both Jules’ and Shadow Midas’ wrap combined and I thought it would revert back to how it was after the season ended. After the most recent patch as of this time 28.10. The Jules’ wrap has been reverted, but Shadow Midas’ Drum Gun still has the weird texture with the physics equation for force F=am on it not like the Shadow Midas’ wrap from the Fortnitemare 2020 set.

Here is a picture if you can’t see a difference