Mystery Beneath | An Unreal Engine 5 Cinematic

Our Real-Time Environment project, “Mystery Beneath,” was built with the intention of using it in future Virtual Production ventures.
It was a great learning experience for our team. UE5’s exceptional features like Lumen and Nanite did wonders and helped us to achieve this quality while maintaining the high frame rates.
Except for the ivies going down from the top, which are created using SpeedTree, Quixel Megascans is used for the majority of organic assets.
We were able to organize and carry out the process from Concept to Final Output in a matter of two weeks.

Some stills from the cinematic.

To see full artwork go to my Artstation and Behance.



Adore the fantasy of this. How long did it take to create this cinematic and was there any inspiration that caused the creation of this environment? :smiley:

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Thank You @PresumptivePanda for the appreciation.

It took us around two weeks to plan the preproduction and excecute it to finalize the output.
This concept was in my mind from a year which is based on my dream.
We got some opportunities for Virtual Production so we thought this concept will be great start for the future endeavours.
We are planning to provide Virtual Production solutions in India without compromising visual quality.