Mysory error. How can i fix it?

The message is:

D:/UE_4.27/Engine/Plugins/Runtime/ArchVisCharacter/Source/ArchVisCharacter/Public/ArchVisCharMovementComponent.h(1) : Error: UnrealHeaderTool was unable to load source file ‘D:/UE_4.27/Engine/Plugins/Runtime/ArchVisCharacter/Source/ArchVisCharacter/Public/ArchVisCharMovementComponent.h’

I don’t know how fix it/

Can u help me?

The error message indicates that the file couldn’t be loaded by UnrealHeaderTool. Are you using a blueprint or a C++ project?

If you are using a blueprint project you can try to verify your files:

Also, check if the file ‘ArchVisCharMovementComponent.h’ exists in the specified directory. If it doesn’t exist, try to locate it or download it again. This is less likely, but verify that the file has the appropriate read permissions, and that your user account has access to the file.

I use C++