My UEFN map keeps getting instantly rejected for copyrighted audio

My UEFN map keeps getting instantly rejected for copyrighted audio. I already had a version of the map published and I was trying to update it, all I did was add rain vfx made by Fortnite and rain sound effects made by Fortnite. After this, my maps have been getting instantly rejected every time I try to publish. The rest of the audio is recorded by myself or is royalty-free.

@Zpudle Hello! This is something that our Player Support team can investigate for you to give more information: Epic Games Technical Support & Customer Service | Epic Games

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Hi Zpudle, Welcome to the Forums.

The problem is likely with the ‘royalty-free’ audio. As you’d currently need to own the “exclusive rights” to it ( 6.1.2. Special Requirements for Musical Works )

I’d try submitting with only the audio you recorded yourself and seeing if that passes moderation.

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In the email it will tell you the exact names of the audio files being rejected if you don’t know them already. The only fix currently is to replace the audio until you find something that works.