My toggling light is not working. Does anyone have any suggestions?

I am following the Unreal Engine tutorials, on YouTube, on how to make a toggling light using level blueprint, but my light is not turning on when I enter the trigger volume. The video is called Adding Toggling in Level Blueprint, and I am at the point in which he compiles the blueprints for the light. I am using version 4.9.2 of Unreal Engine, so I am curious if the later version has a different method. I am following the video exactly as he is doing it, but it is not working. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thank you.

You’ve possibly missed something quite small. I’d be surprised if the issue was your engine version since not much of the content from that video should have changed. Have you found it by now? If no, you’ll probably need to post screenshots of your blueprints. Double check the collision settings in particular.

Please upload sceenshots of your blueprints. Then I can probably tell you what is wrong.

can you tell us what platform do you target please? it s quite important when it comes to lights management.

Here are some screenshots of the area and the blueprints. The platform I am using is Windows 10.

Mhhm everything looks correct in your setup. I can not see the error so far. I tried the blueprint setup my self in 4.12 and everything works as intended for me. Could you try to redo the tutorial in a new unreal engine project? If the error sustains please upload your project (if you can) and i will try to find your error.

Thank you for the advice. I do have one question. When you tried the blueprint yourself, did you use an ordinary ceiling lamp or did you use the blueprint lamp that was provided in the level?

you should try with a new light you drag and drop from content browser. try with a strong color and high intensity

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I used the default Point Light light from Modes > Lights > Point Light. And as expose suggested I increased the intensity to make it better visible.

oops sorry for that.

Thank you everyone for helping me fix my problem. I redid the tutorial in version 4.12 and the blueprint worked.

cool! i’m glad you could get it working :slight_smile: