/My_Project/GameFeatureData Soft references /My_Project/My_Isand which does not exist /My_Project/My_Island

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Project opens fine but I cannot validate to test the map

/My_Project/GameFeatureData Soft references /My_Project/My_Isand which does not exist /My_Project/My_Island
[AssetLog] /My_Project/GameFeatureData References /My_Project/My_Isand which does not exist /My_Project/My_Island (FortValidator_IllegalReferences)

Steps to Reproduce

just try to validate the project and it happens everytime

Expected Result

Project cannot be validated

Observed Result




Additional Notes

This will be a total loss of countless hours of work


Are you able to rename ‘My_Isand’ to ‘My_Island’ anywhere? (Or vice-versa?)

Another thing to try: it’s possible to create a new GameFeatureData asset with R-Click in your base content directory → Miscellaneous → Data Asset → Select ‘Fort Game Feature Data’

Hey thanks for the response. I got it figured out thanks to good people like you. I had to right click on click on game feature data in the content browser select edit and then add the projects that were missing from the array. Because I had deleted a few levels is what I think caused the issue. Thankfully I was able to find this fix and not loose too much time. Thanks for the help. Much appreciated!


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