My project crashed and won't open anymore

I have had a huge issue with placing Prefabs while launched in the UEFN. When I do and I look at the Outliner the building assets are in the hundreds and sprinkled throughout the outliner. I changed my mind on having this building in my scene and tried to delete the hundreds of assets. UEFN warned me and I thought I was thorough enough that I deleted the building and all of its assets. Now my project automatically crashes when I try to open it. This is my crash report.


Is there really no way to delete an entire prefab without having to search through the Outliners long list of assets? Any help would be awesome. I have accepted my project is lost but I need to be able to figure out another way while I recreate my project.

I hope you were using revision control or taking manual backups.

You could try taking a manual backup of the corrupted project and then removing it from /Document/FortniteProjects and then opening UEFN and loading whatever you had last in revision control if you were committing changes often.

Also to delete a prefab you should just be able to click on the parent actor and delete it and everything under it should get deleted

Hello NaviRuler! The best way to delete a prefab and all its assets is to search for the prefab name in the outliner and delete that. All the child assets should disappear without causing crashes and issues. At least that’s been working for me.

I’m going to escalate your issue to see if someone can help you figure out why this project is suddenly buggy.

Here’s a list of questions that can help us to target the issue you’re experiencing:

  • Is UEFN crashing with a crash window? If so we need your account name/ID to pull up the crash, or is this populating in an error log?

  • If there is an error log, could you go to Help > Report Issue and file a report?

  • What prefab did you load and what was the exact method you use/performed to try to delete all the assets? Was it just going into the outliner tab and trying to find all and delete the child assets one by one?

I brought in an Art Deco building and never found a parent asset just the child assets. I went into the outliner and selected every child that was connected to the building and hit delete. Here is an image of the assets as soon as I drop it into the world. I scrolled through hoping to find the parent but no luck. If there is a parent in there somewhere I would love to have a tip or two of how to find it. Thank you for the speedy response.

Small note to the above:

If you use Live edit to bring in a prefab, it won’t be grouped under a parent, only if you use UEFN.

However, if you use UEFN to bring in a prefab, it will have structural integrity ON meaning the moment you delete one architectural piece, then open live edit, the whole thing will delete itself.

You can use Ctrl + Alt to draw rectangles in UEFN to batch delete props (careful not to delete zones in the back though), and use Live edit with Building to Prop ON to remove structural integrity

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