My Player is drifting/stuttering when i turn around

As i said on the title when i turn with my player when i sprint it seems like he stutter or drift and is doint some ice skating. I dont know where to fix that.
I already have a super simple system like this on my other game and it dont do that
Check the video to understand

Vidéo sans titre ‐ Réalisée avec Clipchamp (4)

Due to the framerate of the GIF you’ve sent, it’s hard to tell what exactly is going on. But to me, it seems like your sprinting animation’s leg placement at the start is different than the one at the end. Try cropping the extra part by editing your animation. Also, since you mentioned the issue occurs when turning, could you also double check that you don’t trigger the animation again once the character changes direction? And for mouse, the usual way would be simply using the “Orient Rotation to Movement” node and enabling it, and it wouldn’t cause any problem while turning using mouse.

2024-09-25 11-09-29.mkv (7.0 MB)
Here is the video with good quality, i checked the animation and the legs seems normal.
Same for the orientation movement.
I checked qith an other animation and it dont do that so maybe i have to fix the animation
How do i check if it dont trigger the animation again ?

Could you show the part where you handle the interpretation of the user input into movement? Usually it’s done by using the “Add Movement Input” node, that part. Or did you go for another approach? It would be very helpful if you showed all the related parts of your blueprints.

Also unfortunately I can’t play the video you’ve sent. You could try uploading it to YouTube and sending the link.

Oh and also did you say you only changed the animation while keeping everything else the same and it didn’t produce the issue? In that case, could you provide a screenshot of the asset details window in your animation?

Yes, I didn’t change anything in the code, I just changed the animation and the problem was fixed with another animation. But now I’m trying to work out why it did that with the other one
Because that’s the one I want to use.

I’ve just put up the blueprint of the movement and also the details of the animation.

Could you try enabling the loop for the animation?

Already did it and it still dont change the stuttering

Are you sure the model is in the same position in the first and last frames in your animation?

Yes see, maybe there is something i dont see ?

That animation is way too long for a looping sprinting animation. Could you crop it to make it only play every frame only once? Like make it only put it’s left leg forward and then the right one, and get to the end of the animation. Not sure how that’s relevant but I previously solved a similar issue with animations by doing this.

You mean cut it in half ? The other animation that work have also 36 key frame for a 0.6 seconde loop

Oh wait I mistook those numbers with seconds, sorry about that. I’m not sure what else to suggest at this point. Maybe I could understand what’s going on better with an HD video. Is it possible for you to upload such a video to YouTube and send it’s link?

Yes here is the vido

Wait, it seems like there’s a sprinting mechanic in your game and that sprinting animation isn’t the default animation that plays when the character simply moves. Is that correct? And if so, could you also show how you handle the sprinting mechanic both in your character blueprint and animation blueprint?

Yes you can check it there

Firstly, you can use the “And” node to validate all those bool type variables at the same time (plug your variable named “Can Play?” into a “Not Bool” node though)

And it’s currently not possible for me to understand what those variables do to your animation transitions so could you also show how do you transition into the sprinting animation?

Basically, when I press the R2 key and I’m not climbing, sliding, etc., If all conditions pass, then I make the “Sprinting” variable true and just change the Spring Arm.
And in the blueprint animation where my basic 8-directional displacement blendspace is stored, the blend pose by bool changes to another blendspace that’s not 8-directional, the sprint blendspace if sprinting is true

It seems like that’s definetly were we should look for the issue. Could you show the transitions, blend spaces and all the related parts?

Tell me if you need something else more specific

Okay i think it has to do with the blendspace and maybe the transition in the blendspace between the jog and the sprint in that blendspace
i will dig to see