The player on the right is correct, the player on the left was dragged from the content browser and does not have the same material. What has happened here for this inconsistency?
I have deleted some materials and replaced them with the highlighted chest section, I believe this is part of the problem because it was force deleted. If that is the case what should I do to have an accurate player for its current material map?
You probably replaced the material for the instance in the level not the asset itself. You have to double click your Player asset in the content browser and there you set its materials.
Also you don’t need to use a 3party image hosting site (unless you want to). You can upload images directly.
Great, that fixed it. What issues can arise by replacing the material in the instance and not on the asset itself? If I am just making one copy of the asset is it fine to replace material just in the instance? And if I edit the instance, but then also edit the asset, will that mess anything up?
With the image I tried to upload it directly but it wouldn’t let me for some weird error .-.
There aren’t any issues. It’s just that by default your asset will use its default material when you place it in the world either at editor or runtime. Changing material of an instance will not mess up anything. Changing material of an asset will update all instances in the level to use the same material unless you have overridden it on the instance itself. You can dynamically change materials at runtime if you wish to do so.